It was with great joy to behold the commitment of nine new brothers and sisters to the ever loving arms of Christ Jesus at the Wolverhampton Central Seventh-Day Adventist Church on the 22nd of February in the year of our Lord 2014.
The Church was packed to the very last seats in the rear of the hall. People – the brethren along with friends and family of the converts await with barely restrained enthusiasm for the moment to come. The pastors along with other members of the platform party take their seats as the Song Service Team song to the rafters and even to heaven above.
Progression of the programme is now at the sermonette of the moment. Pastor Rainford Macintosh takes to the rostrum like a man with a mission, which is actually the case has he preached for the lost of the flock.
He spoke of the parable found in Luke 15:2 - 7. He noted that this chapter is actually one parable with different sections, a pyramid of three sides with a central theme. Amazingly, each flowing into the other, yet with the same single message – Jesus is here to safe the lost. He ends on this note; the lesson of the lost sheep, the lost coin and of all – beyond priceless, the lost son; we are forever selfish and errant in our ways but God is ever loving and forgiving. He is here to rescue the one who is lost.
Then the moment that everyone has been waiting for is come. Immersion by water! In to that watery grave to arise a new soul in Christ!
And Bilston Church converts are the first! The lads are in together – forever twins, even in baptism inseparable it seems. Pastors Appiah and Macintosh doing the honours with the Bilston Church Choir, along with friends and family watched the miraculous conversion takes place before their very eyes! A public demonstration of their vows to become Christ like in all things.
Welcome Latrell and Kobe Butler to the discipleship of Christ, to the family of the Seventh - day Adventist faith and to the home of Bilston Seventh-Day Adventist Church Family.
To see more sermons go to to the Elder's Corner or browse through the sermon links here.
Website last update: 18 December 2014 20:07