With great excitement and keen anticipation, members of Bilston Church arrived at the new building for the first Sabbath worship. Not only where there almost everyone there, but by the end of Sabbath School there wasn’t a spare chair to be found. The small Church was full!

That old cliche - the more things change, the more it stays the same - setting up the presentation equipment. This will change soon enough though.

Sister Adair enters the new Church for the first time! A dream come through.

The first Sabbath School was presided over by the Sabbath School Superintendant, Sister Janet Scarlette. 

Sabbath School was held in a single class (Youth/Bible and Adult) and presided by Doctor Herbert Griffiths. The lesson study was animated by his energy and charisma. Donald McIntosh did the mission section that outlined the drive of the Church membership to have its own home and to move into the community to tell of God’s love.

The service of the day was in two sections. The first was held by Pastor Samuel Appiah. He spoke of reflections. He spoke of the commitment of the members who left Oxford Street Church to form Bilston Church. Of the original twenty members, a few had pass away and some moved on to other churches, he presented these members to the Church. 

The remaining group of the original Oxford Street Church members.

First Elder Scarlett was asked to speak on their behalf. He spoke with tears in his eyes of the years the members hardships and successes, of the souls bought into Bilston Church and the dream of actually been in a building called home. A dream that was fulfilled today, a day that Sister Adair is able to see.

A tear in the eye. First Elder Scarlett.

Sister Evelyn Adair

Pastor Appiah finished by concluding with a prayer of dedication given by Pastor Richard Jackson.

Pastors Jackson and Appiah, prayer of dedication for the New Bilston SDA Church.

The video of Pastor Samuel Appiah's Reflections.

Sister P. Henry singing My Tribute (To God Be The Glory) and Clarence Crosdale on the piano.

Then the sermon of the day was preached by Pastor Jackson. This was due to Pastor Jackson having been the local Pastor for Bilston Church in the early days and according the Pastor Appiah, a large amount of the church building fund was acquired during Pastor Jackson’s time.

The full sermon as preached can be listened to here..

Pastor Jackson and wife in the front row at Sabbath School.

End of the Sabbath Service and there are a lot of smiles all around for this remarkable achievement by a little church called Bilston!

Photograph Of The Day

The photograph of Sister E. Adair (above) could had been considered my best shot of the day. Once I got this photograph, no other could come first..

This single photograph, a child's small, encapsulate the spirit of Bilston SDA Church. Why don't you come along and enjoy the happiness that such a smile can spring from?

To see more sermons go to to the Elder's Corner or browse through the sermon links here.

Website last update: September 12 2014 15:39