Children Sabbath School Programme Q1 2017

First Quarter 2017 Children 13th Sabbath

It was with great anticipation as the children gathered for their first 13th Sabbath programme for the New Year. They had been practicing for the whole quarter, been drilled tirelessly by their teachers for this one event – the children’s own full Sabbath school programme involving the entire church!

They had three songs:

The first two were song in the Sabbath School programme and the last as the meditation for the sermon.

The children were brilliant. More so when it is considered that they had not been singing the songs with the piano, until the day itself. Although a slight tumble with the PandaMania song they excelled with the later songs, crowning the day with the remarkable, solemn and prayerful song – Instruments of Peace.

"It is with great pride and joy to have had the privilege to work with these wonderful children and in some small way hold the light of the Lord in their sight for a little while." – Children Sabbath School Teachers.

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