Bilston SDA Ordination Service for Deacons and Deaconesses
GMC 2014
With the solemnity of only a man of God can extrude, the ordination service of deacons and deaconesses took place on Sabbath afternoon, November 8th 2014. The speaker was one of Bilston Church favourite pastors – Pastor Richard Jackson of the North Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church and formly pastor of Bilston Church too.
This was one of those momentous events for Bilston SDA Church. The year 2014 will be noted for a number of milestone events for the small church of Bilston members. A year that saw the dream of a new home materialised to reality, like the promise a dream of Joseph.
Now this ordination service marks another great event, the ordination of Bilston Church deaconesses for the first time of the Church’s history.
Eight members where ordained by Pastor. Great was the joy of the members has they accepted the responsibility to lead and serve the members of the Church and community, but to foremost serve Him our Lord and Saviour.
The year 2014 has truly been a remarkable year for the members and friends of the Bilston Seventh-day Adventist Church. Why not come and share with the making of history in Bilston with us?
Head Deacons – Brother Horatio Lawrence and Sister Yvonne Campbell.
Updated 14 November 2014
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Website last update: 01 December 2014 22:57