Sabbath School Children’s Story 30th January 2016

Told by, Pastor Appaiah

The Children’s Story was taken from:   1 Samuel 2:22-26 King James Version (KJV) 
Reported by Carol Lewis. Eidited by Enroy Vickers

Eli and his sons: Hophni and Pinehas, Good Vs Evil

Pastor Appiah delivered the story from the book of Samuel. The story was about Eli the priest and how he had not corrected his two sons.  Pastor asked the children if they knew anyone who had been naughty.  The response was quick, with names of children who were naughty and what they did. 

Pastor thanked the children for their participation and went on to tell the children about the prophet Eli who had not been a good father to his son’s, he hadn’t corrected them and they had become very naughty.


Eli’s two son’s names were Hophni and Phineha and they were also priests. Eli was ninety-eight years old. Young Samuel was staying with Eli and his two wayward sons. 

Pastor told the children about Samuel’s mom; Hannah. She couldn’t have children, so she prayed and asked God for a child and she would dedicate her child to Him. God answered her prayer, and she had Samuel. 

Hannah fulfilled her promise to God. When Samuel was born, she took him to Eli the priest. Samuel was a good boy very much unlike Eli’s son. As Samuel grew, he was faithful has he served at the in the temple.

Samuel listened to Eli, but Eli’s sons Hophni and Phinehas went on as if they didn’t know the Lord, they were wicked and worthless. The Lord was very displeased with them.

Pastor said to the children that they should be good and if they see others being bad, they should pray for them and also for those who they had seen misbehaving. In conclusion, Pastor said that they must keep away from wayward children.

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