Sabbath School Childrens Story 19th March 2016

The Weather Told by Pastor Simon

The children’s story this week was about the weather, told by Pastor Derek Simon.

Pastor Simon began by asking for volunteers from the children. One was called the sun, another rain, another wind, and another snow. He gave four other children fans. With all the characters selected, Pastor told his story.

One day Wind was blowing and said to everyone boastfully, “I am the strongest and best of all the weathers.” Pastor said all weathers are affective, not just the wind. The Sun, Snow and Rain quickly joined in, each of them boldly saying each was the strongest.

Again Wind said “I am the strongest”. The others all cried out “NO” and the augment began.

Sun said to Wind, “I can make a man take his coat off.” Not to be out done, all the others said the same thing too, and so the contest began.

Wind went first. Wind blew and blew. The poor man drew is coat closer, not off and struggled through the wind. Wind could not get the man to take off his coat. Wind sadly gave up.

It was now Rain’s turn. The rain came tumbling down, pouring down, by the bucket full, but the man did not take his coat off – he drew it even closer to escape the heavy showers. So Rain gave up too.

The same happened with Snow. It got colder and colder. Hugh snowflakes fell on the poor little man. He just drew his coat closer. Snow gave up too.

It was now Sun’s turn. He dried up the water that came from Rain, melted the snowflakes that came from Snow and warmed everywhere up where Wind had made it cold. The man began to enjoy his walk. As it got warmer, he began to undo his coat. And to all the elements wonder, he took off his coat! They all agreed that Sun had won and that he is the strongest.

Pastor explained that all weather is important, even though the sun was the only one to make the man take his coat off.

Pastor let one of the children put his coat on. He got the children with the fans to fan this child to see if she would take his coat off, but she didn’t. He explained we need the rain for water, otherwise we would all thirst without it, no food or crops would be able to grow, with the water we need the sun to help everything grow, so the rain can come again to water it when it’s too hot.

The snow is also important; it sterilises the ground for the next crops.

Pastor went on to say it’s like us in church, we are all talented, we all have gifts which when we combine all our gifts with others, we can get things (jobs) are completed.

We are to use our gifts in the Church to edify God. No matter how small the gift, it is important. Pastor said we must all be grateful for what God the Father has given us. Most importantly we are all equal and gifted. We are all important and with the gift we each have we can all teach others to do what we can do. None of us should be feeling like the wind who thought he was more important than the others, all are equal.

Story told by Pastor Simon

Reporter: Sister Carol Lewis
Editor: E. Vickers

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