Farewell To the Bogdan Family

One of the unique qualities of a small church, is that no one can hide from serving. Some have tried, some have even thought that they could warm the back seats of the Church indefinitely. That never last long. It often comes to either you serve or you move on to another Church.

There are those who really want to follow the footsteps of Christ and serve as best as they can, so much so, that they are willing to leave their comfort zones, and do the incredible.

In many ways, Adina and her husband Luca opened their hearts to the family of Bilston Church. For the few short years that they were a part of this little Church, they were accepted and loved. More so, their son, little Phineas. So full of energy and boundless courage, always seeking the microphone no matter the occasion, sorely will they be missed.

Even so, prayers are eternally offered for them as they returned home this year to start a new chapter in their home land of Romania. No doubt, they were greatly missed there as they lived here in England. So we must return this unique family to their greater family of home, a call that beckons every traveller.

So this Sabbath was dedicated to the Bogdan family and their immense contribution to Bilston Church, may they experience God’s boundless blessings in their new home.

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