Those In Need of Our Prayers & Support
Please note that a number of our members have been ill this month. Please make a note in your prayers and offer your support.
- Our dear Sister Melanie Turner is urgently in need of your prayers and support. Her little Joshua (one of the adoring twins)was in the Birmingham Children Hospital this week (December 7th). Please remember the family in this their hour of need.
- Sister J Scarlett is at her home. Your visits, support and prayers are a comfort to her and her husband. Please continue to support them. She is doing well and able to attend Church.
Updated: 8 December 2015
Thank You From ACCI
This is a follow up from the refugee support offered by the Church this month. Donald has recieved a letter of thank you from the African Caribbean Community Initiative. It can be read here.
Dated: 10 December 2015
Bilston SDA Church Helps Out Refugees!
This month the Church gave a helping to the Wolverhampton based refugees through the instrumentality of Brother Donald McIntosh. Here is a short report of a community working together...
Date: 9 December 2015
Those In Need of Our Prayers & Support
Please note that a number of our members have been ill this month. Please make a note in your prayers and offer your support.
- Our dear Sister Melanie Turner is urgently in need of your prayers and support. Her little Joshua (one of the adoring twins)was critically ill last week (November 19th). Joshua was in the hospital at last report. Please remember the family in this their hour of need.
- Sister J Scarlett is at her home. Your visits, support and prayers are a comfort to her and her husband. Please continue to support them. She is doing well and able to attend Church.
Updated: 23th November 2015
Great Brick Kiln SDA Church is hosting a social on December 6th 2015. Free event to socialise and have some fun!
Food and drinks available!
Don't forget that you must be dressed in 70's gear!!
Address - Sitara Hall, Mander Street, Wolverhampton, WV3 0JZ
Adventists Offer Prayers and Support in Paris Tragedy
“We express our solidarity with all French people,” says Mario Brito, president of the Adventist Church's Inter-European Division.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church and its members worldwide offered prayers and support for Paris after a series of shootings and explosions killed scores of people.
See the article here - Adventist Review 14th November 2015
Video Report Reviews Church Progress in 2015
A interview with the British Union Conference President, Pastor Ian Sweeney on the Church progress in 2015. The full report is found at UK Hope TV website or just watch it here...
Annual Week of Prayer (November 8 - 14 2015)
Each year Adventists worldwide celebrates a week of spiritual emphasis. Bilston SDA Church members honored this commitment to spiritual outreach at our homes and Church. See the report here
October 24th 2015 Harvest Day - updated.
Those In Need of Our Prayers & Support
Please note that a number of our members have been ill this month. Please make a note in your prayers and offer your support.
- Sister J Scarlett is at her home. Your visits, support and prayers are a comfort to her and her husband. Please continue to support them. She is doing well and able to attend Church. She wrote a letter of thanks to the Church and all those who supported her.
Updated: 6 October 2015
Read about the event that marks a milstone in this young Church's history, the culmination of it's youth campaign in watery baptism, right here.
Bilston SDA Church Youth Campaign 2015
Speaker - Dean Cullinan & wife
The Youth campaign is now end. Bilston SDA Church thank you all for your support and all those that gave thier time to attend the meetings each night. This has been a milestone in the Bilston Church history and we look forward to continue this endeavour of community outreach soon. If you haven't listened to any of the sermons or would like to see them again, the links are below and will remain on the website.
A foreword from Elder Sam Walters of Wednesbury SDA Church:
In 2015 many people live without purpose, without hope, with fear for the future, as we look around and we see some of the events taking place in the world today, it is evident that right now as you're reading this the world is in need of something more than it is getting at present. If you are individual who wants to experience a joy, hope and peace that you do not have, there is currently an amazing series of challenging sermons being presented at the Bilston SDA church. We would love to see you there so you can experience God's love for you in a new and refreshing way.
- The Crimsom Worm
- Ready Now!
- Run For Your Life!
- Gospel According To Rome
- Who Shall Beable To Stand?
- Will You Leave Too?
- Friend, Why Have You Come?
- Ransom & Reunion
- God's Quiver
- Father of the Fatherless
- Charge that to My Account
Church Building Work 2015
Work was done on the supporting wall of the Church in October. Here are some pictures off that work...
Those In Need of Our Prayers & Support
Please note that a number of our members have been ill this month. Please make a note in your prayers and offer your support.
- Sister J Scarlett is at her home. Your visits, support and prayers are a comfort to her and her husband. Please continue to support them. She is doing well and able to attend Church. She wrote a letter of thanks to the Church and all those who supported her.
Updated: 20 September 2015
It's that time again - Come Dine With Me time! Sister Jean Brown is armed with her pots and pans and lays out a dinner fit for her Majesty herself! Well that's what I was told, here's a report of the night.
Bilston SDA Church is now 1 year old! It should be noted that the church family has been around much longer than that! It's the building and location that is now 1 year old since the Church family moved here.
Thanks to all the people - church family and firends that has made this mile stone possible, but most of all, we all give the Lord thanks for keeping us all together to see this day.
Happy Birthday!
The month of September saw a large number of birthdays. Most notable was the birthdays and wedding anniversary of the Scarletts. Happy birthday to all and may God's richest blessings be with you always!
With the flourish of surprise, Pastor Derek Simon announced his undying love for his fiancee; Natalie Kendel, this week. Undoudtedly, the single most portent reply can only be Yes! as they where married this week!
Pastor Derek and Natalie Simon
It’s sunny! At last we can be out on our bikes for it is the Carver Wolverhampton Marathon 20k cycle event. The team got together at the usual assembly point (Clarence’s home, the team – H. Lawrence, C. Crosdale and E. Vickers) and then rode into town to the start line at West Park.
Follow this link for the full story and pictures here.
Of Amanda McIntosh and Raphael Chrisholm
The special day was August 31 2015 when Amanda and Raphael sealed their wedding vows to an audience of friends and family. Click this link to read about this grand occasion and see a few pictures.
Billy's Farm
I decided to visit Billy's allotment to see just how well the harvest is looking. Billy was so proud of his "farm" and rightly so, it's well managed and full of life.
Follow this link for the full story and pictures here.
Cain Leaving Bilston SDA Church
It is with mixed emotions that I announce that little Cain Marriott, well he is not that little any more, is leaving the Church family.
He has been attending Bilston Church for some years now with Sheron Crosdale, his guardian. He is now leaving Sheron to live with his elder sister.
We will always remember this quiet and well-mannered young man and pray that the Lord will always be with him. May he have a great time with his family.
Date: August 2015
Sabbath Celebration for Youth off to University 2015
Join us as we celebrate our youth who have been successful in their application to university this year. Amidst lots of tears for joy and the sadness of leaving share in our emotions of a wonderful Sabbath day.
Follow this link for the full story and pictures here.
Come and see what a terrific day we had on August 2, 2015. We didn't go to Rhyl as expected due to the inclement weather forecast but went to the alternate destination - Weston-super-mare.
Follow this link for the full story and pictures... Bilston Church at Weston-super-mare.
The Williams Celebrate 55 Years of Marriage
Brother and Sister Williams celebrates fifty-five years of marrage in July 2015. The happy couple are delighted to let everyone know that God has been good for them, in time of happiness and troubles.
Link to photographs
Those In Need of Our Prayers & Support
Please note that a number of our members have been ill this month. Please make a note in your prayers and offer your support.
- Sister J Scarlett is at her home. Your visits, support and prayers are a comfort to her and her husband. Please continue to support them. She is doing well and able to attend Church.
Updated: 13 July 2015
Funeral Announcement
The Vickers family has suffered a lost in the family with the passing of Sister Vickers father. Mr Allen was 80 years old when he passed away some time on Wednesday 8th July.
Great news to the members of Bilston SDA Church and friends – a day trip to Rhyl on August 2, 2015.
Six miles of golden sands stretch between the resorts of Rhyl and Prestatyn where children have the freedom to build sandcastles, play ball or take a donkeyride whilst lifeguards, using the most modern equipment, patrol the shoreline to safeguard the families at play.
For those who enjoy the sea, take a trip into the bay or book for sea fishing at Rhyl's Harbour. The Lifeboat Station is open daily and has interesting displays and knowledgeable staff to give an insight into the work of the Royal National Lifeboat Institute. (
Please note that bookings is now CLOSED.
Savannah's School Trip to Bulgaria
Savannah daughter of Melanie Turner has been on a school trip to Bulgaria over the last week. She returned on July 8th. She has been visiting orphanages in Bulgaria and states that she has had some life changing experiences. We are thankful to God that the group is back safely.
Date: 9 July 2015
Robbery at Bilston SDA Church!
It was with great surprise when it was discovered yesterday (Wednesday 8th July) that sections of the new fencing was gone! Stolen! The missing section leads away from the road, facing the grassy hillock. Please be vigilant of any suspicious activity around our new Church.
Should you have seen anything suspicious, please contact the Church or the Police. The new fence story here.
13th Sabbath (June 27 2015)
The children lead out on the 13th Sabbath at Bilston SDA Church, which proved a welcome changed by many. Although the Adult Sabbath School was given less focus, the Children and Youth were given the opportunity show the Church what they have learnt about Christ and the work of mission in our time.
Goto the children page to see the programme and the videos that were shown on the morning here.
The Sabbath Sofa Challenge 7: Smile
The seventh challenge is here!
Source: YouTube, Upload Date: 7 March 2014 Link
Do something special for someone this Sabbath, how about a simple smile?
The new series of videos on The Sabbath Sofa Challenge continues.
A "The Sabbath Sofia" report
The Sabbath Sofia website
Re-posted dated 19 June 2015
GMC 2015
Read about this great road trip and cycle event of the Crosdales, Vickers, Lawrences and Thomas families that happened over the weekend (28 June 2015).
The event was the fourth Great Manchester Cycle 2015, all proceeds go to a large number of charities. The event was attended last year by over 8,000 cyclists riding through the heart of Manchester City 13 miles (familes), 26 miles (regular cyclists) and 52 miles (the serious cyclists including cycling clubs and professional cyclists).
Last year it was Clarence and Micheal, this year it's Horation and Michael.
See the full story here.
Great news to the members of Bilston SDA Church and friends – a day trip to Rhyl on August 2, 2015. So if you are interested, connect Clarence Crosdale so that you can reserve a seat.
Six miles of golden sands stretch between the resorts of Rhyl and Prestatyn where children have the freedom to build sandcastles, play ball or take a donkeyride whilst lifeguards, using the most modern equipment, patrol the shoreline to safeguard the families at play.
For those who enjoy the sea, take a trip into the bay or book for sea fishing at Rhyl's Harbour. The Lifeboat Station is open daily and has interesting displays and knowledgeable staff to give an insight into the work of the Royal National Lifeboat Institute. (
Please note that children will be charged £8. Make sure that your booking is in early as there will only be one coach.
The cost per seat is £11. Although a decision was taken at the last business meeting; setting the destination for Rhyl, this is subject to change. The other proposed destination is Weston-super-Mare.
NOW CLOSED - Date 16 July 2015
Those In Need of Our Prayers & Support
Please note that a number of our members have been ill this month. Please make a note in your prayers and offer your support.
- Sister J Scarlett is currently at her home. Your visits, support and prayers are a comfort to her and her husband. Please continue to support them.
Updated: 26 June 2015
Funeral Announcement
It was announced at service Sabbath 27th June of the death of Pastor Egerton Francis. Some will remember him as pastor of the former Oxford Street SDA Church (now Wolverhampton Central) others will remember him as a former President of North England Conference (NEC) of Seventh-day Adventist.
In any memory, this servant of God is fondly remembered by members of Bilston SDA Church. Our sympathy and prayers are with the family. Please note that condolences can be shared on the BUC News Facebook page.
Links to BUC webpage.
Date: 02 July 2015
Proud & New Grandparents
On Monday (22 June) Clarence and Bev became proud new grandparents to a new baby boy. May you keep the new mother, father and child in your prayers.
Jinga Concert Update
Remember the Jinja Concert that happened at Wolverhampton Grammar School last month? Its main organiser was Mirand Roberts of GBK SDA Church. The concert raised over £1,500 which is towards a school expedition to support charities aiding Lords Meade Vocational College in Jinja, Uganda.
The expedition including Miranda will leave July 9th for two weeks to support the local school in Jinja. The parents of Miranda are asking you for your prayers for the expedition safe return. May the students and teachers be in all our prayers.
Link to concert.
This was the month that saw the eldest of our children – Amanda Mcintosh and one of our youngest – Silvana, aged seven this month. Certantly there are a number of our more senior members acquiring a new year too – (had to be very diplomatic there!), Brother Billy for one and others.
Amanda has made her parents and Church proud by completing her medical degree successfully and announcing her wedding in August. May God’s richest blessings be with all the birthday celebrants always.
New Fence
Have you noticed something different about our car park lately? You do see it right? It’s the new fence! Yep the men at large got down to bare knuckles and brute force to demolish the rotten old fence that was falling down and replaced it with the new fencing.
Thanks to Clarence, Billy, Marlon and Horatio for the heavy lifting and hard work.
See the pictures here...
The Sabbath Sofa Challenge 6: Secret Friend
The sixth challenge is here!
Source: YouTube, Upload Date: 28 February 2014 Link
The new series of videos on The Sabbath Sofa Challenge continues.
A "The Sabbath Sofia" report
The Sabbath Sofia website
Re-posted dated 19 June 2015
This Week In Adventist History - May 29, 2015
Came across this on the World Church website and thought that someone local would find it interesting, well I did.
Date: 29 May 2015
Clink on the banner above or this link to view the NEC live YouTube channel or recordings done to-date. You might see some of our members from Bilston SDA Church too!
This year's camp meeting is held at Butlins Skegness Resort. Once again Marla is part of the media team responsible for the live streaming and video editting.
The main speaker is Dr Chidi Nqwaba (Health Speaker). Dr Ngwaba is an ordainded Elder and has served over twenty years in churches including Norbury, Croydon and Hampstead.
He is a doctor trained in surgery, General Practice, Emergency Medicine & Lifestyle Medicine at Cambridge, University College London & Johns Hopkins USA (under Ben Carson). Chidi works as a Lifestyle Doctor who helps people to prevent, treat & reverse diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer etc.
Camp Meeting 2015 Digital Magazine
Get the digital magazine here.
Date: 8 - 14 June 2015
The baptism at Wednesfield SDA Church was a splendid affair with lots of members, friends and family present to celebrate the immersion of four new family members in Christ! Even more are in the process of bible study that will lead to baptism in the future! Praise be to God for even one soul that is saved, which thinking about it was what this Breaking Chains outreach programme was all about.
Those In Need of Our Prayers & Support
Please note that a number of our members have been ill this month. Please make a note in your prayers and offer your support.
- Sister J Scarlett is is now at her home. Please continue to support her and her husband.
- Sister Smith is not well at this time. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.
Updated: 14 May 2015
There Is Hope For Us Yet!
Fighting with keeping your weight down to manageable figures? Feeling that it’s an impossible task? Well just look around you, you are not along and there are some who are actually overcoming the same problem you have – dealing with your weight!
So seek out that inspiration that will give you that extra hump to beat it. Here’s one such person, Pastor Ian Sweeney.
The story can be found here
Date May 2015
Interview with Sister Evelyn Adair
By Donald McIntosh
This is our first AY programme Desert Island-like series of interviews with members of the church been questioned on their favourite songs by Donald MacIntosh.
Our first interview is with Sister Evelyn Adair. Read the full report here and listen to her favorite songs.
Date May 2015
Those In Need of Our Prayers & Support
Please note that a number of our members have been ill this month. Please make a note in your prayers and offer your support.
- Sister J Scarlett is is now at her home. Please continue to support her and her husband.
Updated: 14 May 2015
Funeral Announcement
The family of Sister Smith (GBK Church) and Brother Herbeth Griffths (Bilston Church) would like to thank the members of Bilston SDA Church along with well wishers and friends, for their kind words, prayers and support towards the family in this time of bereavment. Thank you.
Date 3 May 2015
Grace Walsh Coming To Bilston
Grace Walsh is the Health Ministries & Community Services Director for the North England Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church (NEC).
Grace is trained teacher ad psychiatric nurse and was instrumental in organising the CHIP programme at Bilston SDA Church some time ago.
Other programmes that she has been involved with are: Depression Recovery, Health Expos, Fitness for Life, Weight Management for Life, Breathe Free, CREATION Health, CHIP, Forgive to Live, Stress Management, Cooking Classes and Mental Health First Aid within the NEC.
She will be here at Bilston SDA Church all day on May 30th 2015.
The Jinga Concert held at Wolverhampton Grammar School on May 10 2015 was an outstanding success for the school and its main organiser - Miranda Roberts of GBK Church.
This fund raising effort was strongly support by a large Adventist contingent of gifted singers covering many of the local Adventist churches along with supporters.
It is reported that the concert made £1500 to date (May 10) and more money is still been collected.
Coverage of the concert can be found on the Wolverhampton Grammar School website here.
Date 18 May 2015
Out-Reach Programme
May 2 – 16 2015
Our sister church – Wednesfield SDA is the location for a Youth out-reach programme with speaker Pastor Ray Patrick.
The programme will feature the following
- Breaking addictions
- Building solid relationships
- How to deal with depression
- Breaking curses over your life
The programme is now in the last of the schedule two weeks and ends this Sabbath (Saturday 16th May). There will be a baptism at 4pm, so be ready to have a long day! Below is the audio file for Wednesday evening sermon on Daniel Chapter 5.
Date 13 May 2015
In the period between March 28 and April 12 2015, the tiny Church of Bilston set out to raise funds for the 102nd year of the ADRA-UK appeal.
That small congregation, along with friends and family was able to raise an outstanding sum of £2,100! Great was the work and thankful are we to all who contributed to this great cause.
Funds raised in 2015 will support development projects in Africa, Asia and the UK. ADRA-UK also responds to international disasters.
Featured projects of ADRA-UK
In Cameroon we are controlling water-borne diseases in 10 high-risk communities through water and sanitation projects helping over 30,000.
In Laos we are helping 1,500 women in 10 villages to learn to read and write and provide access to solar power.
See the ADRA-UK website here.
Funeral Announcement
Please note that the funeral arrangements for Elder Herbert Griffiths' brother will occur at Wolverhampton Central SDA Church 1pm April 30 2015
The Church address is Warwick Street, Horseley Fields, Wolverhampton WV1 3SD. The internment at Bushbury Crematorium. Family and well-wishers will then meet at Heritage Centre at Clifford Street, Wolverhampton, WV6 0AA
Date 30 April 2015
Those In Need of Our Prayers & Support
Please note that a number of our members have been ill this month. Please make a note in your prayers and offer your support.
- Sister J Scarlett is now out of the hospital and is at the Woden Resource Centre Vicarage Road WV11 1SF.
- Sister Smith is now out of hospital and can be contacted at home.
Updated: 22 April 2015
The Jinja Concert
Our very own Miranda Roberts will be part of a grand concert that will be raising funds for a trip of a life time to Uganda school Lords Meade School which is linked to Wolverhampton Grammar School.
Verona Roberts is asking for our support in this grand effort by obtaining tickets for the concert. Details can be found in the poster below.
Those In Need of Our Prayers & Support
Please note that a number of our members have been ill this month. Please make a note in your prayers and offer your support.
- Sister J Scarlett is now out of the hospital and is at the Woden Resource Centre Vicarage Road WV11 1SF.
- Sister Smith is now out of hospital and can be contacted at home.
Updated: 22 April 2015
Solomon's Temple
Friday evening (April 10) was the home blessing ceremony at Brother Solomon's new home. The happy gathering was made up of Church, family and friends, all there to celebrate a dream come through for the Solomon family.
See the pictures here
Pastor Samuel Appiah spoke on the subject of Christians and Politics. The study was very informative, and views for and against voting where aired. Even so, Pastor was very firm on the view of the Church and made sure that all had a firm understanding why this position is taken.
See the bible study for yourself here
March will see the little family of Bilston SDA Church increase once again! Come and give your support on March 28. Please note that there will also be the Communion Service along with the Thirteen Sabbath programme, so come prepared for a long day!
Those In Need of Our Prayers & Support
Please note that a number of our members have been ill and some have even suffered bereavement this month. Please make a note in your prayers and offer your support.
- Sister J Scarlett is reported as doing "well" and currently doing physio. The hospital has implemented visiting restrictions, so please consult for visiting times before visiting her. Please continue to keep her and Ron in your prayers.
Updated: 27 March 2015
Outstanding Work On Pool!
Work has been in progress on the baptismal pool over the last couple of weeks. The issue was the depth of the pool. Thankfully to the heard work of the men of the Church that matter is now resolved. Take a look for yourself, you wouldn't know the difference. Actually we do want you to now the difference, it looks far better now! Thanks to Alrick and Clarence.
Updated: 27 March 2015
ADRA UK Bike Ride Event 2015
ADRA UK is holding a big cycle event this year. It's called Coast to Cost Ride for ADRA Southport to Skegness. It's a four day event. Fund raising target is set at £300 per cyclist with a registration fee of £125 covering accommodation and support.
As an avid cyclist I am very interested in this event. I had intended to ride the 2015 Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 this year but didn't get pass the ballot. The fact that this event's fund raising target is £300 compared to the Prudential minimum charity target of £750 without the sign up fee (please note that this is for those who fail to get accepted), makes it a reachable target.
Full details can be found here
Updated: 27 March 2015
Youth Week Of Prayer 2015
This year’s WYOP was help at Wolverhampton Central SDA Church with all Churches of the district taking part. Bilston Church had the Tuesday night event.
With Horatio Lawrence leading with the reading for the night, the youth of Bilston Church took charge of the meeting. Horatio did a masterful job with the reading by not actually reading!
The youth staged a quiz to the Church and then Horatio discussed the reading and its implications to the Youth and the Church today. This had all participating in the session, in a way that listening to a simple reading would never had done. Great one Team Bilston!
Update: 19 March 2015
ADRA UK Bike Ride Event 2015
ADRA UK is holding a big cycle event this year. It's called Coast to Cost Ride for ADRA Southport to Skegness. It's a four day event. Fund raising target is set at £300 per cyclist with a registration fee of £125 covering accommodation and support.
As an avid cyclist I am very interested in this event. I had intended to ride the 2015 Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 this year but didn't get pass the ballot. The fact that this event's fund raising target is £300 compared to the Prudential minimum charity target of £750 without the sign up fee (please note that this is for those who fail to get accepted), makes it a reachable target.
Full details can be found here
Date: 12 March 2015
Funeral Announcement
Please note that the funeral arrangements for Sister Beverly O’leary’s mother will occur at Church Of England Saint Giles at 11:30 am March 11 2015
The Church address is Walsall Street, Willenhall WV13 2ER.
Church Opening and Dedication
The Mayor and Mayoress of Wolverhampton, Councillor Mike Heap and his wife Frances Heap attended the opening and dedication of the Bilston Seventh-day Adventist Church on Sunday 15th February along with other dignitaries from the North Eastern Conference of Seventh day Adventist.
See the report of the weekend here.
See pictures and videos of the Thanksgiving service here.
See pictures and videos of the Dedication service here.
Updated: 04 March 2015 (new photographs and videos posted on Thanksgiving and Dedication services).
Bilston SDA Church History
The history of Bilston SDA Church is an unusual one. It began with a very small group of twenty-one people who left the now named Wolverhampton Central (Oxford Street then) to Blston.
Read the summary of the Church history here.
Date 13 February 2015
Those In Need of Our Prayers & Support
Please note that a number of our members have been ill and some have even suffered bereavement this month. Please make a note in your prayers and offer your support.
- Although see was at Church this last weekend Sister Mack hasn't been well.
- Sister J Scarlett is currently in the hospital since this week. (UPDATE Sister Scarlett is now at home).
- Sister Jackie Anderson hasn't been to Church much this month due to a bereavement in her family. The funeral will be February 20, Friday 3 pm at Bushbury Crematorium. All are welcome to show support for our dearly beloved sister and her family.
- Alfred Campbell (Alf) is currently ill, please remember him in your prayers.
- Beverly Olaery has experienced a bereavement in the family, once again your prayers will be of great comfort to her and her family.
Lay Bible Instructor Training Course
A number of our members attended a Lay Bible Instructor Training Course over a number of weeks and completed the course last Sunday (February 22). The course was held at the Aston-Newtown Church. Members who took part in the training programme are:
- Marla Vickers
- Billy Thomas
- Horatio Lawrence
- Etta Gwabunda
Date: 24 February 2015
The Right Worshipful The Mayor and Mayoress of Wolverhampton, Councillor Mike Heap and his wife Frances Heap will be attending the opening of the Church on Sunday 15th February along with other dignitaries from the North Eastern Conference of Seventh day Adventist.
Photograph courtesy of Express & Star June 5 2014
Speaker for the Divine Service will be Pastor Richard Jackson. Visitors expected will be President of the North England Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Pastor Lorance Johnson and Executive Secretary John Ferguson.
Sabbath February 14th 2015 Time 09:45 - 13:30
Sunday February 15th 2015 Time 13:00 - 15:00
Hard Workers for Church Dedication
It is with many thanks for the tireless hours that Clarence, Alrick and Ron has put in to make the Church ready for its Dedication this weekend (February 14th 2015). The work included the Church’s first proper installation of its audio visual system, fixings, painting, electrics and many other tasks that where necessary to make the Church ready for its official opening.
Thanks too, to those dedicated members and friends that helped along with this tireless trio to get the job done and offered their support. Such is the family of the Bilston Seventh-day Adventist Church; warm, giving and welcoming.
New Chairs Arrive!
With the generous donations of friends and members the Church has acquired new chairs. Follow this link to see the arrival.
The Sabbath Sofa Challenge 2 - Call Someone!
The second challenge is here! Find someone you haven't talked to in a while and call them.
Source: YouTube, Upload Date: 8 February 2014, Link
The new series of videos on The Sabbath Sofa Challenge continues.
A "The Sabbath Sofia" report
The Sabbath Sofia website
Re-posted dated 06 February 2015
New Chairs!!!
Brother Crosdale has made available a sample of the chairs the Church is currently thinking of purchasing. The chair will be available for viewing over the weekend. If you have a view, please make it known!
Pastor Doug Batchelor is in Jamaica!
Pastor Bachelor will present a 8-part series called Kingdom Characters. These presentations will focus on the men and women of the Bible who point us to a deeper experience with God. The series takes place at the campus of Northen Caribbean University, Mandeville, Jamaica, January 23-28 2015. Amazing Facts link.
The new ADRA television series focuses on several projects around the world, including initiatives in Africa and Asia. [photos courtesy ADRA International]
ADRA's "A Closer Walk" premiered on Hope Channel January 23 at 7 p.m. The programme is a nine part series that takes a look into the humanitarian work that we support has Seventh-day Adventist and our aid workers.
Upcoming Episodes Include:
Episode 1: The Roma (Albania)
Episode 2: Selling Stories (Thailand)
Episode 3: Seeds of Hope (Uganda)
Episode 4: No One Left (Moldova)
Episode 5: Stronger than the Storm (The Philippines)
Episode 6: The Distance We Go (Brazil)
Episode 7: Turning a New Leaf (Rwanda)
Episode 8: A Woman's World (Peru)
Episode 9: Any Lengths (Vanuatu)
Adventist News Link:
Read more on Episodes follow this link:
A Closer Walk: The Roma (Albania)
For centuries the Roma have suffered discrimination, inequality, and abject poverty. Derogatively labeled “gypsies,” these people struggle for survival every day on the streets of Albania, with few allies and even fewer resources. Local ADRA workers Rezi and Kristi take us on a Roma experience to a dilapidated hospital, a house crowded to capacity by extended family, and a rare outing to the seaside, to show us the humanity behind the negative stereotypes.
YouTube Date: 22 January 2015 Link:
Date 27 January 2015
ADRA International:
A Closer Walk: No One Left (Moldova) Preview
When the Soviet Union collapsed, the stability of Moldova toppled with it, causing the economy to fall and crime and unemployment to rise. Through it all, the children suffered most. Millions of men and women left home to find work abroad, leaving little ones to fend for themselves. Regardless of the circumstances that caused their parents to disappear, one thing was certain: the children were alone. These kids, many no more than toddlers, were forced to struggle for survival in any way possible. Local ADRA workers Natalia and Andrei show how Rainbow of Hope, a children’s center for these abandoned kids, offers more than just survival—they offer a home and a family.
Re-posted 09 February 2015, YouTube published 28 January 2015 Link
ADRA International: A Closer Walk: Seeds of Hope (Uganda)
For the people of Uganda, sharing is not only caring; it is protecting, educating, and loving. For more than 130,000 South Sudanese refugees in Uganda this spirit of generosity is literally life saving. As soon as these refugees cross into the border of Uganda, they are given land, homes, and access to a good education. In a country where there is little to go around, the results are staggering. Join local ADRA staff Booker and Stella as they show just what can be done with a big heart and a selfless spirit.
Re-posted 09 February 2015, YouTube published 04 February 2015 Link .
ADRA International: A Closer Walk: Selling Stories (Thailand) Preview
Displaced families in the Karen hill regions of Thailand are susceptible to one of the most insidious effects of poverty: human trafficking. Young girls are offered lucrative jobs with cash upfront, an incentive most impoverished families simply cannot reject. What they usually don’t know, however, is that their daughters will likely become slaves to the commercial sex industry. Local ADRA workers Thomas and Joy give a tour of Keep Girls Safe, a center that shelters the most vulnerable of these girls and provides the skills and education they need to break the cycle of poverty and ignorance.
Re-posted 09 February 2015, YouTube published 02 February 2015 Link .
ADRA International: Stronger than the Storm (Philippines) Preview
In the Philippines, fishing is more than a hobby or even a job. It is hand-to-mouth subsistence. Any disruption to this livelihood puts a strain on the already slim wallets and bellies of fishermen and their families. Following the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan, thousands of families felt hopeless. Their boats were destroyed and their nets were ruined or missing. There was no food on the table. In many cases, there was no longer even a table, or a roof for that matter. But as soon as the winds died down, ADRA went to work. Join local ADRA staff Gabe and Denison as they show us how disaster response is more than rebuilding infrastructure: it is also rebuilding sustainability, security, and identity.
Re-posted Date 27 February 2015 YouTube published on 20 February 2015 Link
ADRA International: The Distance We Go (Brazil) Preview
When impoverished communities lack access to basic medical care, it is often necessary to bring the care to them. But when they live in remote outposts scattered along the largest river in the world, medical outreach becomes a challenge. Because of the inaccessibility, small cuts become fatal infections, children suffer preventable blindness, and life-saving sanitation and hygiene practices remain unlearned. Join local ADRA staff Herber and Gloria as they show how medical boats and dedicated volunteers are saving lives all along the Amazon River. Watch the preview below:
Re-posted Date 27 February 2015 YouTube published on 24 February 2015 Link
Seventh-day Adventist Church President Ted N. C. Wilson unveils the new sign, officially changing the name of 7th Street in La Romana, Dominican Republic, to Ellen White Street, or "Eleana G. de White" in Spanish. [photo: Libna Stevens]
January 16, 2015 | La Romana, Dominican Republic | Libna Stevens/IAD/ANN
The city of La Romana in southeast Dominican Republic yesterday declared it will rename one of its streets after Ellen G. White, one of the founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
The announcement came during a special ceremony held at La Romana’s municipal building. In attendance were the mayor, Maritza Suero, city officials, and Seventh-day Adventist world church President Ted N. C. Wilson.
Year End Message from Pastor Lorance Johnson
North England Conference President, Pastor Lorance Johnson, shares a personal message and hope as we move into 2015.
Re-post Date 20 December 2014 YouTube Link:
Living life to the full - BUCnews New Year reflection
Victor Hulbert looks back at 2014 with joy and excitement, revisiting some of the guests he has interviewed this year, and reflecting on the Christmas truce of 1914 on the Western Front. An inspiring message.
The full interviews with Llew & Karin Edwards, John & Amy Ainsworth can be found at website. The documentary, 'A Matter of Conscience', can be found at our News Archive 2014
Re-post Date 17 December 2014 YouTube Link:
Date 23 January 2015
Pastor Ian Sweeney's 2014 year-end message
If you survived the craziness of the black Friday sales you did well. The financially restrained Pastor Ian Sweeney found himself astonished at how people were desperate to get their hands on televisions -even to the point that people began fighting and cursing one another. That hardly seems to be the spirit of Christmas. Perhaps there is a better way to share that spirit.
In his year-end message, Pastor Sweeney, President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the UK and Ireland, admires the desperation of the paralytic in the Mark 2 story and how he strived to get into Jesus presence. "Perhaps as Christians we ought to exhibit the same passion to be in the presence of Jesus and be desperate to share our testimony of Jesus."
Re-post Date 11 December 2014 YouTube Link
First Sabbath School 2015
The first Sabbath of the year began on sober reflections of the past year. With Adult Sabbath School given over to one class under the able management of Brother McIntosh.
Sister Scarlett, the Sabbath School Superintendent of the day had a delightful programme for the morning. You can see a few pictures of the morning here.
To see more sermons go to to the Elder's Corner or browse through the sermon links here.
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Website last update: 1st January 2016